Connection vs. Conversion

It's the million dollar question… 

“How do I create content that makes people buy?”

Well today, I'm going to show you the simple 3-step process to do just that! Hahaha nope! I'm kidding. If it were that easy, we'd all be millionaires by now. 

Sidebar: if anyone tries to sell you a “simple 3-step process to instantly make money from your content”, hide your credit card! It's a scam.

Before I burst all your content dreams…yes, it is absolutely possible to create content that converts your audience into buyers. But the question I want you to think about instead is:

“How do I create content that connects with my ideal clients?”

At the foundation of conversion is connection. Especially when you want to work with your dream clients that are committed to your offer, get results, and share how awesome you are with their friends.   

And in order to create content that connects with your ideal clients, you have to know who your ideal client is. This isn't just about how old they are or what their income level is.

It's about:

  • the specific problem they're experiencing

  • how it's affecting their daily life

  • what they really want their life to look like

  • how they really want to feel

When you know these things about your ideal client, you're able to create content that makes them feel like you really understand them. (Because you do!) And when people feel seen, heard, and validated? They trust you to help them. 

If you're struggling to define your ideal client in these terms, reach out to a past (ideal) client and ask them, or chat with someone who know who you think is a good fit. People generally love to help and talk about their experiences with someone who cares. 

Until next week,


For more info on how to increase your conversion with SMM, follow me on Instagram.


How to Make your Content Creation Life Easier


How to Expand the Life of your Content