Cookie Cutter Content

You know what really gets my goat?  


Social media marketing managers that aren't doing their job.

There are just too many cookie cutter agencies out there that aren't serving their clients properly, and here's what that looks like:

– content that looks good, but lacks focus, intention, and clarity

– little or no attempt to connect with and engage the audience

– applying their aesthetic and strategy to your business just because it “worked” for them

This type of work affects reach, engagement, audience relationships, and conversions. And not in a good way. Without a clear understanding of your brand identity, messaging, and effective strategy, that pretty-but-pointless content can actually confuse your audience (and we all know that confused people don't buy).


It can make it really hard for people to understand who you are, what your business is, and what it actually does. For a million reasons, everyone tends to equate social media with celebrities and influencers. But social media marketing is different – you can't forget that it's still marketing. The whole point is to build awareness of, interest in, and a relationship with your business so that your audience is inspired to take action.

Why am I so fired up about this? Because hiring a cookie cutter agency is going to cost you, and I know that as an entrepreneur, your resources are precious.


You deserve to know what to look for, what to look out for, and what to expect when you invest in social media support.

So, take note of the red flags!

🚩 Not digging deep into your business to understand you, your offers, your audience, and the transformation you provide

🚩 Not focusing on genuine connection, engagement, and community building

🚩 Not developing a custom strategy for your business

🚩 Focusing on vanity metrics 

🚩 Using their own revenue as a marketing strategy

If you ever have any questions, I'm so happy to dig into it with you - because your business is worth it.


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Growing Pains